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Musiq Soulchild and Munson Steed announce Rolling Out's R.I.D.E Conference in press conference

Leading up to Rolling Out’s inaugural RIDE Conference, Musiq Soulchild and Munson Steed talk new music for the iconic singer and the inclusion of entertainment and technology during a press conference held at the Microsoft Store in Lenox Mall.

The singer talked about his new music and any upcoming projects, telling the media, “I wanted to continue to put out music to see if I still had that audience there, first things first.” He also added that he wanted to “present a realistic offering to people and put out music that the listeners are able to relate to at various points of their life.”

Engaging in conversation, Munson Steed shared, “The one thing I don’t want to lose is the faith in love. We need to continue to put love back in our communities and in our music.” Musiq agreed, saying, “Too many artists and public figures tend to authorize themselves to talk down to people. I’m not here to judge that and if you notice in my music, I always make it a point to use both a subjective and objective point of view.”

When asked what he wanted to achieve with his latest music project, Musiq said, “I would love for this body of work to be a conversational piece. I want everyone to talk about it, not just in regards to relationships but even casually. Or even if you don’t like it, I want you to talk about that as well.”

Steering the conversation towards the inclusion of technology and entertainment and how that has shifted the industry, Musiq offered, “There used to be a time where people would invest real emotion.. Nowadays, people just phone in to stuff like this [using the press conference for an example] and they want to be a part of things that look lit, but they don’t want to interact.”

How can that change? Music believes that “You have to want to care first and have those conversations, and begin to create those spaces where the two can coexist and everyone can learn from one another.”

Steed wrapped up the conversation by explaining why the R.I.D.E conference is so important: “The whole idea and design for the conference is that our community must understand that we will only solve our problems as a community coming together with the things that we learn from each other. We have more access to each other than we do with other communities.”

The R.I.D.E Conference is taking place September 21-23 at the Loudermilk Conference Center in Atlanta, GA and will focus on the four tracks of Thought Leadership, Entertainment, Business, and Technology.

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