3 Tricks To Maximize Your LinkedIn Profile
It takes more than just a great profile to truly harness the power of LinkedIn. But you’ve connected with hundreds of well-to-do experts on LinkedIn, gathered up countless skill endorsements, and created a work experience section that would put other online professional to shame. Despite all this, you still are getting the results you expected. So are you really making the most of this massive online networking platform?

Here are 3 tips that all LinkedIn pros use to boost their results on LinkedIn. Use these hacks to ascend to the next level of professional social networking.
Use Email Contacts As LinkedIn Connections
Although this may seem obvious, many beginners don’t take advantage of this simple way to boost connections by importing email contacts into LinkedIn as connections. What better way to bulk up your network than by capitalizing on your existing foundation of colleagues. Plus, chances are that someone you’ve previously done stellar business with will be more than willing to gift you skill endorsements, recommendations, testimonials, and more.
Follow Up After Making A New Connection
This may be another tip that appears all too conspicuous, but many LinkedIn users make the grave, but common mistake of never following through with new connections. Simply gathering up hundreds of connections with no after-action will most likely not land you that dream job. As silly as it may sound, by sending a follow up message simply saying, “thank you ” or “great to meet you online,” you’ve just one-upped hundreds of other “connection collectors” and vastly distinguished yourself as a finisher of sorts. Taking time to do so differentiates you as an online professional that doesn’t just focus on initial contact with no follow-up, but one that understands the importance of building true relationships in business. Many experts say that this easy first step can create multiple leads, and the possibility of offline communication—a huge conquest on the road to ultimate career victory.
Share Your Content On LinkedIn's Blog
Utilizing the LinkedIn blog is another great way to distinguish yourself from thousands of other deserving candidates. Increased search results, lead generation through sharing, and driving traffic, and a stronger profile content are just a few of the many hidden benefits of LinkedIn blogging. By sharing your content and the work of others, not only does this create the opportunity for actual, meaningful interaction with your connections beyond endorsement swapping, but you can also showcase your unique talents to potential employers with your original work. And when your connections return the favor by sharing your articles, you have just accessed another extension of the network and created a ripple effect of shared visibility. Call it share Karma or just plain smart, but it will unquestionably come back to you tenfold.